Thursday, May 25, 2017

Little Hands, Big Art

Little Hands, Big Art                                          

When you're small everything looks big.  Big people, big doors, big tables, big chairs.And, face it, you're only small for a short time.  Little hands hold big brushes to paint on big canvas and create big art.Big art, not only in the actual sense, but art that is larger than life! In their eyes and the eyes of their loved ones, their art is bigger than big and wonderful, unique and original.Original it is!  
Little ones create from the purest sense of themselves.  They haven't seen all that we big people have seen. They haven't experienced all that us big people have experienced.  Their creativity unfolds when they begin with 'play'.  
According to an article on, "play' is the base ingredient for creativity".  "Children play, perhaps because previous knowledge or the pressure of acting 'grown-up' does not yet limit them. But we also know that this is a big part of how they, and so we, learn."
If we encourage and allow little ones to play and create, their minds expand, they reach for new and fresh ideas, they grow more creative as they grow bigger.   Be inspired and encourage creativity!  

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

January has almost come and gone. . .

Yes, folks!  It's almost the end of January and we are in full swing with many kids classes, Zentangle, Stained Glass, Painting in Acrylic & Watercolor.  We are traveling to many wonderful venues to create art with some amazing people as well as our classes in the studio!  
At the beginning of the month we painted on Margarita Glasses at the 'Snap-On' Tool Convention, we had another fabulous evening at Incredibrew in Nashua- tasting wines and painting Wine Glasses, this week we will be traveling to Merrimack College to paint on canvas with an amazing group of college students!  
We recently celebrated with some of our Art Happens Instructors.  They are truly what makes Art Happen here and we feel very blessed that they share their gifts with our guests!


Monday, November 16, 2015

Let's Get Coloring!

Admit it, you've sat down with a child (your own or someone else's) and picked up the crayons.  It starts out as something to pass the time while you sit with the coloring child, but quickly you realize you are totally enjoying this pastime!
Get out the crayons, colored pencils, markers and experience the relaxation that occurs.
Explore your creativity as you combine color, texture and inspiration on paper!

Experts say that crafting benefits our mood and mental health - well in that case you may find me coloring in a coloring book each and every day!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Milford's Great Pumpkin Festival!

Thank you Milford Improvement Team for providing our community with this awesome event!

We had so much fun with all of our Art Happens friends who stopped by to paint or just to say hello!

Love this awesome group of dancers who created some amazing Art!

A beautiful original work by Victoria!

Such a colorful butterfly!

'Who' made this?  a super-creative friend!

Now here is a very serious little artist!

See you next year Pumpkin Festival!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Well Hello there little Blog!

We had the pleasure of attending Souhegan Valley Women's Leadership Conference at Labelle Winery on Thursday, October 15.  We networked, we listened, we learned, we enjoyed!
Belonging to a community that enables women in business to be empowered and fed by intelligent, generous women makes us proud.   Our Souhegan Valley is flooded with so many talented, important mentors that one needs not go far to seek support and encouragement from those we admire.
Creativity begins within and Art Happens everywhere. We thoroughly enjoyed feeding our mind and our soul. In life there is always something more to learn.  Feed your mind, feed your soul!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

All of this snow makes me want to .........

Snow is beautiful, snow is fun to play in, snow gives us a warm feeling (inside, that is).  
The art of the snowflake is an art in itself- no two are alike!

Take a snowman, they are created by folks everywhere so no two are alike!

It's February and we in the Northeast are encountering yet another beautiful snowstorm.  Schools and activities are canceled,  Even some businesses have closed for the day!  

Keep art in mind as you look at the snowfall, snowflakes, snow piles, snowmen, snow drifts, snow paths and, well all of that snow!
Answer this question:  All of this snow makes me want to ..........
(my answer...  stay inside with a nice cup of coffee, a fire and old movies.

Enjoy the day and create your own art!